Community Connect Program
The Community Connect (Night Patrol) aims to improve community safety and reduce community consequences of alcohol and other drugs (AOD) by assisting Indigenous people in public places who are AOD affected or otherwise ‘at-risk’ of harm to:
· Improve their personal safety and wellbeing ; and
· Minimise the:
1. Level of harm from ‘at-risk’ behaviours
2. Level of contact with police and criminal justice system
Community Connect Service provides an invaluable service to the South Hedland Community by assisting those who are intoxicated, hurt, in violent situations, out on the street and generally at-risk, taking them to a safer place.
The Community Connect team are out on patrol from 2:00pm until 8.00 pm from Monday to Saturday, assisting people at risk.
Home Stretch Program
Home Stretch provides young people leaving Out of Home Care with the option to continue to receive further support up until the age of 21.
The Home Stretch model was co-designed with young people with lived experience of transitioning from care, with a particular focus on the needs of young Aboriginal people and their families.

Housing Program
Providing affordable rental properties together with support services such as house hold support and wellbeing. If you want to own your own home or wish to live in a private rental, then this is the program for you.
THRIVE Program
BTA delivers the THRIVE program within the South Hedland community in partnership with Mission Australia. THRIVE is an initiative of the Department of Communities, and delivered in partnership with non-government organisations.
A support program for Aboriginal housing and public housing clients that takes a holistic approach to enhance people’s lives by looking at the wider needs of the individual. THRIVE has a stronger focus on early intervention, supporting people to identify and tackle problems before they become too great.
The program assists clients to improve their life skills, increase their ability to build people’s connections to their community.

Mini Mart Program
The Mini Mart supermarket service provides support to local individuals and families who struggle to put food on their table.
It is open for all Centrelink and benefit card holders plus those referred from local support agencis and services who are experiencing financial hardship and stress.
At the Mini Mart, customers can access non-perishable food staples at 20% less than local supermarkets prices.
We also organise local pick-ups and deliveries and is proudly supported by BHP and Mineral Resources Ltd.
Opening Hours Monday to Friday 9.00am to 12.00pm